Translating Difference the Other in Other Words


  1. Abhinaba Chatterjee - Translation as Negotiation of Identity.
  2. Nino Dolidze (Georgia) Imposters by al-Hariri
  3. Nana Kajaia (Georgia) Representation of an author’s vision of the world in translation
  4. Stephanie Schwerter, Ukrainian Brides, Tractors and Charade
  5. István Berszán, How to Translate the Speechless Other?Gentil de Faria, The Role of Translations in the Study of Literature of Ancient Times: GilgameshThe Iliad, and the Bible
  6. Gerardo ACERENZA, Traduire les mots “autres” des littératures minoritaires
  7. Judith Kasper Traduire le Dictionnaire des intraduisibles en allemand.  
  8. Assumpta Camps, Self-concealment and Imposture:
  9. Sruthi Sasidharan TV, Translating the Subaltern
  10. Visnja Krstic, Bekim Sejranović’s Humanising Transfiction: Diary of a Nomad
  11. Cilliers Van den Berg, On minor/small literatures and difficult pasts
  12.  TANGYILIN, The Introduction and Continuation of Joyce in China: 1922-1949
  13. Wang Shike, Who construct a foreign author’s literary image?
  14.  Fortunati, Women, feminism and prostitution in the trilogy of Neel Doff
  15. Bo Jiang, Cultural construction in the translation of Wolf Totem
  16. Anders Pettersson, On Li Bai's "Jing ye si" and its translations into English
  17.  Licoa Campos Adolfo Fabricio, Translating Sensations:
  18. Stephen Zhongqing Wu, English Translations of Chapter One of the Tao Te Ching
  19. Tamar Barbakadze, Besik Kharanauli's latest metapoetic books
  20. Fuyu Yang,  Why Do You Talk Like That?
  21. Jean-Charles MEUNIER, Domesticating Otherness: Culture-Specific References in French Covers of Bob Dylan’s Songs
  22.  Janica Tomic, Theory and Practice of Minor Cinema: A Comparative Perspective
  23. Lela Khachidze(Georgia) -  One Specimen of Byzantine Hymnography and its Georgian Translation

პროექტი განხორციელდა შოთა რუსთაველის საქართველოს ეროვნული სამეცნიერო ფონდის მხარდაჭერით [გრანტის ნომერი MG-ISE-22-170]
The Project was supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG) [grant number MG-ISE-22-170]