1. Diana Roig Sanz and Laura Fólica

“Global Avant-gardes in the Spanish and Lusophone Speaking World: A Decentred and Social Network Approach”

Membership: Not confirmed

  1. Alys Moody

“Developing the Avant-Garde: The Hungry Generation and the Beats”

  1. Ainamar Clariana-Rodagut

Latin American women in the circulation of avant-garde film: peripheries of the periphery?

  1. Sanja Bahun

Active Thought and Future Perfect: The Belgrade Surrealist Circle

  1. Brinda Bose

Radiant Flying Fish and Other Wonders: Madness as Method in Indian Avant-garde Poetry

  1. Jane Sharp

Diasporic Estrangement Written and Performed

  1. Harsha Ram

Niko Pirosmani: Between the Local, the National and the Global

  1. Sarah Ann Wells

 The Strike Film as World Picture

  1. Leah Feldman

Nomadic Imaginaries and Neo-Avant-Garde Returns of Rustam Khalfin

  1. Christopher Bush

Unexpected Apparitions: European Modernist Haiku as World Literature

  1. Catherine Flynn

Cruiskeen Lawn and the Global Scramble

პროექტი განხორციელდა შოთა რუსთაველის საქართველოს ეროვნული სამეცნიერო ფონდის მხარდაჭერით [გრანტის ნომერი MG-ISE-22-170]
The Project was supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG) [grant number MG-ISE-22-170]